The Book of Star Light by White Eagle
The perfect gift!
'It is from the quietness of the heart that the light of the Star radiates across the world."
"Like a seed which contains within it the blueprint of a perfect flower, each one of us has within us the memory of our own perfect being." White Eagle
The Book of Starlight offers a focus or symbol which will help everyone rediscover the vision which leads them towards perfection. In finding this vision, a remarkable power is released which can make the individual a channel for the healing of others and of all humanity. Above all, the book of star light brings inspiration - and delight. Every time you center yourself upon a symbol that recalls perfection you create transformation. Such a symbol is the six-pointed Star. Using the Star as the focus, each saying in this book calls upon remembered wisdom in all of us - creating in us the power to bring healing and transformation to our lives and the world.
Beautifully illustrated in vibrant colour washes and gold stars throughout, this book is a handy size for pocket or handbag and can be opened at any page for help and inspiration.
120 + viii pp., hardback
15.5 x 10.5 cm