Group Consciousness - Realizing Brotherhood on Earth by White Eagle
The celebrated spirit teacher, White Eagle, describes a process by which individual self-consciousness yields to a coming together in brotherhood and a group consciousness, and finally universal consciousness.
The Aquarian Age is very much the age of the group, and White Eagle does not just theorise about our coming together in understanding, he actually describes how individuals may join in brotherhood one with another, serving all creation by doing this.
The White Eagle Lodge has such a brother-sisterhood at its heart and White Eagle speaks at length about the symbol of the six-pointed star as the focus of the new age.
Ultimately, our path forward is one of joy.
New White Eagle Book: ‘Group Consciousness’
‘Group work is all-important: through group work so much more is accomplished than in isolation.’ In this sentence White Eagle himself sets the theme of this new book from the White Eagle teachings.
This book breaks new ground among White Eagle books. It is a book about the brotherhood (sisterhood) of all life. It covers the concept of the Star Brotherhood and how those who wish to serve the universal light can come together to unify their work.
It is a book about living in brotherhood with each other and with all the realms of life from the tiniest atom to the furthest star.
As usual White Eagle manages to lift the consciousness, expand the vision of what is possible, and yet remain very close to the human so that he speaks to our hearts.
This is a book for all those who wish to work together for good.
123x186mm paperback 208pp