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A Guide for Living with Death and Dying  by White Eagle
White Eagle Lodge

A Guide for Living with Death and Dying by White Eagle

Commentary by Anna Hayward
Facing up to the fact that we sooner or later 'die' or 'pass on' is something that has a great many implications for us all, particularly when someone close to us moves on to a new life. How we face it is as much about living as about dying, and it is in this respect that this book is unique.

White Eagle's whole teaching arises out of bringing comfort to the bereaved and dying, yet apart from the little book SUNRISE there has never been a substantial White Eagle volume devoted to the subject of facing death and of survival beyond it life eternal. This book is exceptional in that it contains a great deal of new White Eagle teachings on the subject, as well s some famliar passages, but also looks at the the actual experiences people have gone through, using their own accounts and how they have been counseled at the time.

Anna, the compiler, has achieved an extraordinary feat in bringing these strands together so usefully, and in producing a book which truly touches the heart of anyone who, for any reason, is enquiring about death and what lies beyond.

205+xix pp. 18.6 x 12.3 cm, flapped paperback
18.6 x 12.3 cm



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