White Eagle Lodge
CD: Wisdom from a Gentle Brother read by Ylana Hayward
Words for inspiration - fourteen separate readings in all - to listen to before sleep, before meditation, in the car, or whenever guidance from a higher understanding is helpful.
The Gentle Brother of the title is White Eagle, whose wisdom is contained in a book of the same name and in around thirty others, including The Quiet Mind. His teaching makes real the inner worlds of life, and tells of a life of brotherhood walked by many in the past, and to be reached by men and women today.
72:20 minutes - 14 tracks
© Content and Design
The Gentle Brother of the title is White Eagle, whose wisdom is contained in a book of the same name and in around thirty others, including The Quiet Mind. His teaching makes real the inner worlds of life, and tells of a life of brotherhood walked by many in the past, and to be reached by men and women today.
72:20 minutes - 14 tracks
© Content and Design